This is a classic piece of modernist architecture that can be seen popping up around Saigon's suburbs - gabled roofs are very new here. Unfortunately it is impossible to photograph a house here without the powerlines! Other "Blues" here:
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Simon, I am sorry to disagree with you -- the "blue house" is not modernist -- it is rather an historicist style which in this case is not very well done (I hope it is not your own house).
Whereas modernist architecture simplifies form and avoids use of applied ornamentation, the "bule house" displays fussy detailying in the railings, window frames and roof forms. Most modernist houses do not use gable roof forms unless the angles of the roof are part of an overall idea and structure that depends upon the use of angles throughout.
I certainly agree, however, that it great to see the sun once again in HCMC -- it is time for all of us to get out and take some good photos!
-- Mel
It's a lovely house, the blue trim and background of the blue sky ties it together for a very nice photo.
This is a very interesting house and I love the blue and brown against the blue sky.
tres belle cette maison, bon choix
This very beautiful home, good choice
After your series of rainy shots, this clear blue sky takes on a special meaning, and good choice to match it with a blue house!
I suppose that rather than "modernist" you meant just "modern" as the new style in vogue. Doesn't really matter. What is interesting is to know that this the sort that is cropping up in your city these days.
at the first look, i thought it looks like a house in holland (i could be misled by the color and type of the roof), but closer look, the power wires bring back to the reality...
the roof of the pink house next door is very typical color and type of roof that you see vn (roofed by the orange tiles)
Wow, that's a huge house! Nice capture.
Norwich Daily Photo
Well, it is a nice house!
Whatever the style of architecture this sure is an interesting house.
I kind of like the blue trim.
And I so understand about the power lines. I'm so used to seeing them in real life that I hardly notice them...except when they are in photographs! Then I wish I were an expert in photoshop so I could edit them out!
Interesting house ... and it sparked a debate about the style! To me the roof looks vaguely "holland" in style, but not the rest.
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