Well this was not my "best" photo for 2007, but it definitely was my favourite. It reminds me of a great day our family had in July.
Other best photos here: Paris, France - London, England - Hyde, UK - West Sacramento (CA), USA - Grenoble, France - Stockholm, Sweden - Riga, Latvia - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Manila, Philippines - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Weston (FL), USA - Prague, Czech Republic - New Orleans (LA), USA - Wichita (KS), USA - Cleveland (OH), USA - San Francisco (CA), USA - Hobart (Tasmania), Australia - Greenville (SC), USA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Mainz, Germany - Melbourne, Australia - Portland (OR), USA - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Toulouse, France - Naples (FL), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Brussels, Belgium - Stayton (OR), USA - Selma (AL), USA - Mexico City, Mexico - Ocean Township (NJ), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Toruń, Poland - Fort Lauderdale (FL), USA - Budapest, Hungary - Baziège, France - Nashville (TN), USA - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Chicago (IL), USA - Prescott (AZ), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Nottingham, UK - Moscow, Russia - Philadelphia (PA), USA - Evry, France - Trujillo, Peru - Arlington (VA), USA - Denpasar, Indonesia - American Fork (UT), USA - Seattle (WA), USA - Chandler (AZ), USA - Coral Gables (FL), USA - Montpellier, France - Joplin (MO), USA - Pilisvörösvár, Hungary - Crystal Lake (IL), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Boston (MA), USA - Torun, Poland - New York City (NY), USA - Dunedin (FL), USA - Quincy (MA), USA - Stavanger, Norway - Chateaubriant, France - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Jackson (MS), USA - Wailea (HI), USA - Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Budapest, Hungary - Austin (TX), USA - Montréal (QC), Canada - Cypress (TX), USA - Bicheno, Australia - Wrocław, Poland - Brookville (OH), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Nelson, New Zealand - Cheltenham, UK - Wellington, New Zealand - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Mumbai (Maharashtra), India - London, UK - Haninge, Sweden - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Arradon, France - Jefferson City (MO), USA - Orlando (FL), USA - Mumbai, India - Terrell (TX), USA - Bogor, Indonesia - Delta (CO), USA - Radonvilliers, France - Saigon, Vietnam - San Diego (CA), USA - Adelaide (SA), Australia - Belgrade, Serbia - Auckland, New Zealand - Seguin (TX), USA - Inverness (IL), USA - Oslo, Norway - Singapore, Singapore - Las Vegas (NV), USA - New York City (NY), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - Torino, Italy - Susanville (CA), USA - San Diego (CA), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Port Vila, Vanuatu - Memphis (Tennessee), USA
best or favorite..kinda of the same thing!!! This is a great photo...I am glad it has good memories for you. Happy New Year!!
I think that it's lovely...and the best photos are the ones that remind you of happy times!
Happy New Year,
I agree with the two previous comments - photos are there to bring back memories. Nice shot and wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!
You are a special and I really like your photography.
This is a very nice photograph and well-chosen for this January theme day.
Thanks for all of your visits to my blog in 2007 and I hope and pray you have excellent health and are very happy all the days of your life but especially in this new year 2008.
Happy New Year from Patty and me.
Its a very good picture. Everything looks so calm and peaceful. Happy New Year.
un très bon choix, cette photo est magnifique. Meilleurs voeux en cette année 2008.
A very good choice, this picture is magnificent. Best wishes in the year 2008.
happy new year, hope you have many more moments like this one!
I think that this is a very nice picture.
Happy New Year.
Having a great day with your family is the BEST reason to choose a photo for today!! Happy New Year to you and to your family!
I completely agree with Kate. Good choice. Bonne année de Paris et thank you for taking part in the City Daily Photo community.
That is a beautiful photo. Wish you a happy New Year!
Favorite day with your family makes for the best memories and photos. Happy new year!
The nature photos are on a roll for best photos...and this one is beautiful as well. Happy New Year!
Just beautiful. It tells us that we all see the same stars and moon, no matter where we live!
Happy New Year to you and yours and here's to a wonderful 2008 for the Daily City Photo Blog community.
Jenny, Sharon (CT, USA) Daily Photo
Beautiful photo!!
My photo choice is the same - the best memory not necessarily the best photo.
technically :), the symmetry of the objects provides a sense of balance and tranquility of a beautiful prospect of a summer day :)
[I could be wrong, sunset in the tropic usually accompanies with orange, brown clouds while in the west, the sky at the sunset (espcially in a good weather winter day) has this crytal clear, pristine blue color => pretty breathtaking!(though a bit chilly)
Ahhh, aliens are coming !!!
Happy new year and long life to your blog.
I understand why you would choose this photo, apart from sentimental reasons. I like the night sky.
I look forward to visiting your blog more often this 2008. And you're welcome to mine, too! For some reason, my link was not included in the participating blogs for the 1st of January 2008 theme day. Sorry I wasn't able to visit your blog sooner. I was in transit the whole of yesterday. I am now back in Norwich after the most fantabulous time at home in Manila.
Happy New Year to you and everyone you hold dear!
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Your Love Coach
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