Saturday, May 15, 2010

Asian Monopoly

I was interested to see this Monopoly board in a shop recently. There were no street or station names on the board, which surely must take a fair bit of fun and identity out of the game. Buying "Dark Blue Space #2" rather than Mayfair in the English version and Park Lane in the American version is what I used to enjoy about Monopoly. When I inquired as to why there were no names, I was told that it was the "Asian" version.


Anonymous said...

This is no fun, Green space #3 ? I used to play Monopoly in VN , it actually had real street names ( Le Loi, Nguyen Hue..) which made it exciting. The VN name for this game is Co Ty Phu ( Game Billionaire).

Anonymous said...

This is no fun, Green space #3 ? I used to play Monopoly in VN , it actually had real street names ( Le Loi, Nguyen Hue..) which made it exciting. The VN name for this game is Co Ty Phu ( Game Billionaire).

Nathalie H.D. said...

I used to play with the French version with the Champs Elysées and rue de la Paix being the top of the range.

Blue space number 2 , transport space number 4 - no street or station names - how disappointing!

Viet said...

the pre-1975 version did have the names of those famous streets in Saigon. these names tended to associate with the old regime and history as the south sees it. probably, due to political correctness, they replaced those names with slot numbers.

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