While at a conference yesterday at the Pasteur Institute HCMC, I came across this metal tribute to the man whose name is given to the research centre network of Pasteur Institutes. Known to sport a beard for most of his adult life, I searched the internet looking for pictures that the artist might have used for inspiration. The one below is the closest I could find, mostly for the deep line at 30 degrees from the nose. Am not sure why the artist was keen to display apparent facial scarring when he did not appear to have any

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I like your choice. Thanks for going to the trouble of finding that excellent vintage photo as well.
Great graphic photo!
The founder of microbiology lives in Vietnam! Strange that disease he helped prevent 100 years ago are still in occurrence in Vietnam
They should have just gone with the photograph, the metal one is just plain scary
this is an original choice for today. It does look as if the artist chose that photograph. Not seen such a metal artwork like this before.
I was intrigued so googled Pasteur and Vietname. Apparently Vietnam was the first country outside France to have a Pasteur Institute. I've often wondered why there is a Vietnamese restaurant in Sydney called Pasteur!
Sydney Daily Photo
Cool choice for today's theme!
Happy Theme Day!
What an original interpretation . . . Fascinating! Thanks you, Sally for doing some research on LP & connection with VietNam
I really like your original choice and thanks to it i've learned a bit more through Sally's googling! :-)
Good shot!
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